Thursday, 25 September 2008

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Art Reviews/Light Night

Here is a sneak preview of my Limited Edition mini comic for Leeds Light Night, only available from OK Comics and the ones i have left will be sold at Birmingham Comic Con in 3 weeks. There are only 30 copies!!! I went to Light Night in Birmingham and it was great so if you live near Leeds don't miss it!

And now some art reviews-

***Art Review! Deer***

This is a beautiful work of art that I have on my wall, it is basically an old picture (postcard size) of some deer in a forest clearing. I look at it and it literally makes me cry with happiness. Then I throw up.

***Art Review! Rice***

At the weekend I went to this exhibition called "Of All the People in All the World". It was a really great exhibition, on the way in you were given a piece of rice which represented you and the exhibition showed various statistics of people in the medium of RICE, you could then place "yourself" (in rice form) onto a pile that represented you or you could keep "yourself" to take home in a bag.

I could have put myself in these piles-

People who travel by bus to work in Birmingham^

Population of Birmingham^

People who watched the final of the apprentice 2008^

I was especially surprised by the pile of rice that showed the amount of people who ate at McDonalds in one day (It was bigger than the population of Scotland) Do that many people really like McDonalds!?

...but in the end I took myself home in a bag. I thought about cooking myself up for dinner and laughing heartily at the comedy fun of eating myself in rice form but I had a Big Mac instead.

I'm still working on my next comic, posters, new badges and storyboarding for Internet Zombie Movie, more on that soon! Here is my new comic so far, as you can see a lot of work has gone into it already....

Monday, 8 September 2008

Low Energy Month!

I didn't actually take any photos from Low Energy Day so have stolen this one to prove I was there-

Everyone had awesome new stuff for sale!! (except me...I only had rubbishy photocopied flyers...doh)

I had a good weekend in London- I went to a 50s diner, met a kitten, spent too much money on stupid things, saw the X Files movie (don't listen to anyone who says it is rubbish, it was excellent- worth seeing just for Mulder's beard), played scene-it on the xbox, met lots of people i haven't seen in ages and drank my body weight in port.

I am busy at the moment with a few things- a special comic for Leeds Light Night and my next comic which will be out soon (possibly to be an exciting co-lab travel project....)

WATCH THIS SPACE -----------------------------------> (made you look)