I'm at
Alternative Press Fair this coming weekend with
BZF! I'm not planning on another actual book or comic until later this year
so I decided to do some smaller fun projects that don't involve my
characters and I thought it would be a good idea to make them in time to sell at the show- so here they are! They will also be available in my online shop this week (keep an eye out on my twitter for update on this)
BOWIE: A CELEBRATION Inspired by the BBC Bowie tribute night a few weeks ago I thought it would be fun to collect a bunch of artwork from comic artists and illustrators who I know have already drawn David Bowie and to make a sort of fanzine type book. So here it is! It collects the work of 15 artists, writers and illustrators covering all the incarnations of David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust, The Thin White Duke, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Labyrinth and more. A must for all Bowie fans! Here is the list of contributors involved:
Joe List,
Philippa Rice,
Sara Jackson,
Johnny Lyon,
Darren Whitcombe,
Ian Larsen,
Liz Popolo,
Zarina Liew,
Joe Decie,
Bryony Matthewman,
Lara Crow,
Jess Fink,
Madeleine Flores,
Timothy Winchester and
It will be available as a print zine for £3 or a pdf for only £1! Printed on nice paper this is an A5 12 page multi colour glitter glam-o-rama fanzine.
I might do others of my favourite bands/musicians in the future. I'd like to do a Weezer zine, maybe a Beatles one, Moldy Peaches, Kate Bush, Simon and Garfunkel perhaps... anyway, this might be the first in a series hopefully (if anyone is interested in being involved in any of these in the future get in touch)
CHEWIE: A COLLECTION Another series I am starting is "collection" zines. I wanted to start making some sort of record of my collections. Collections are a typical topic for zine artists, for example you may have already enjoyed the zines of
Mark Pawson (who will also be at APF this weekend) he recently did a
Noggins collection book. Partly inspired by this I thought I'd start with my collection of Chewbacca figures. I have been collecting these wookies for over 15 years so here is a zine showcasing my collection so far (photo above just shows a few) I'm probably going to make more collection zines in the future too, featuring my other stupid collections of stuff and maybe some collections by my friends too.
Available as a 20 page A6 photocopied b&w zine for £2!
See you at Alternative Press Fair this weekend!
If you hate David Bowie and Chewbacca and you're after comics don't forget my
ONE A DAY comics for August starts tomorrow....